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We live in SouthEast Missouri, down close to the bootheel, in a small town of about 500 people . We have 4 Children and 9 Granchildren.While my husband works as a Transportation Broker, I spend most of my time taking care of my dogs and puppies and Grandkids. My Grandchilden helps me with the work. The puppies love playing outside in the yard on a beautiful warm day with the Grandkids, and they love it too! We have 17 acres so the parents are able to play and exercise too.

We specialize in raising companion pet puppies for the average family. Some puppies will be from Champion Parents and some puppies will be show quality, But all puppies are sold as family pets. Your puppy will come from an environment of healthy, well cared for pets. We maintain a reputation of high standards and excellent quality dogs and puppies.  What we do is Not a 9-5 position but a 24/7 lifestyle that really knows no true vacations or time off.  Our puppies are played with Daily through human interaction which allows for a well socialized puppy . We have a heated and air conditioned  facility.  All of our dogs are housed in kennels with doggie doors leading to the outside. We are USDA and STATE Licensed. We have always had excellent inspections, No noncompliances. My primary vet examines all of my puppies at about 7 weeks old to make sure their in good health. He also does a kennel inspection with a hands on examination of each adult dog at least once a year. Dentals are done regularly.  

Microchipping is available , which is a chip that is injected under the skin that has an ID number assigned only to your puppy which you will need to register in your name. This is great if your puppy ever gets lost or stolen. 





If you have any questions, please feel free to e-mail, call or text me at 573-429-6688. We are on Central Time