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Here at Timber Ridge We do our best to raise healthy, happy puppies. The best care is given to vaccinate and keep our puppies parasite free.
Puppies are health checked by a veterinarian prior to delivery, shipping or pickup and to the best of our knowledge, to be in good health at this time.
 Puppy must be seen by vet within 48 hours of it coming to your home or guarantee will be void. Buyer MUST e-mail me at
sueh@semo.net or text me at 573-429-6688 and let me know the results on the SAME DAY as exam. After passing the vet exam, sale becomes finale and buyer assumes any and all responsibility for puppy thereafter. If puppy is found to be unhealthy at the vet exam, buyer can return puppy and registration papers, at buyers expense, along with a vets statement within 48 hours and we will exchange puppy for another of the same breed, color and sex. If one is not available, we will refund purchase price of puppy. We do not reimburse for any medication or veterinary fees for any reason. 
   If within 1 year from date of birth, your puppy is diagnosed by your Veterinarian as having a debilitating hereditary defect, that in his opinion, prevents your puppy from serving you as a companion pet, we will replace the puppy with another one of the same breed of equal value, when we have one available. Claims must be accompanied by a veterinary health certificate with full explanation of the problem, lab test, medications given, etc. and be received by mail  within 10 days of the first visit. We reserve the right to ask for a second opinion with our vet, at our expense. Opinions MUST reach same conclusion! If a difference of opinion occurs, we will adhere to the advice and or diagnosis of our veterinarian. All vaccines, worming and preventive care must be kept currant and documented by your vet.
Buyer is responsible for cost of  transportation to return pup to seller and to ship replacement pup to buyer.
  HYPOGLYCEMIA IS NOT covered under this warranty. We do not guarantee against human error.
The Breeder guarantees a healthy companion pet, but cannot guarantee adult size, color, hair coat and temperament or fitness for breeding and or cyptorchid or monorchid (undescended testicals) small umbilical or Ing. hernias that can be fixed when puppy is spade or neutered, elongated soft palate, Small Trachea or Stenotic Nares in brachycephalic breeds.

If the buyer must return the puppy for any reason, including but not limited to allergy, Landlord / Tenant, marital, adjustment issues or monetary reasons, it will be on a surrender basis only, with no refund or credit.

This guarantee is to the purchaser only and expires if the puppy is transferred to another party.

This contract is to be construed in accordance with the laws of the state of Missouri. If for any reason, legal action is to be taken by either side, all legal proceedings and litigation must take place in the state of Missouri, country of Wayne and seller will be paid reasonable attorney fees by the buyer.

 Any defects discussed prior to sale will not be covered by guarantee.
Timber Ridge Kennel / Sue Henderson will not be responsible or liable for any Veterinarian bills.

I must receive this signed guarantee before the puppy is shipped, a copy of the signed guarantee will be sent back with your puppy.

Print and sign Guarantee, fax to 573-224-5627 or e-mail to sueh@semo.net        Signed copy will be sent back with your puppy.Both signatures are required to validate guarantee, otherwise, null and void. A copy of the original must be kept by both buyer and seller for guarantee to be legal and binding.


By signing below, I state that I have read, understand and agree to all of the terms and conditions of this Health Guarantee.

 Seller: _________________________Date:_________

Buyer (print)X_______________________(Sign)X_____________________ Date:X_______

Breed___________________    Sex:  M / F    Color__________      puppy ID name ____________

Registration #_______________________         microchip # _____________________                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Date of arrival: ___________ 

Price of Puppy  __________    CK,  MO,  Cash,  PayPal, Money Gram (price of puppy does not include Shipping or Paypal fee)